
Sustainable digital creative ecosystems in Africa-Europe relations: the role of universities

This article post is based on a presentation made by Elise Cuny during the UNIMED WEEK in Brussels from 18 to 20 February 2025, as part of the session “Leveraging Science, Education and Culture for a Transformative Africa-Europe Partnerships” moderated by the Africa-Europe Foundation, and draws from a research project conducted by culture Solutions and the South African Cultural Observatory. 

internal dialogue 1 featured

cS internal dialogue #1: Democracy, elections and international cultural relations after 2024

This blog post reflects a collective discussion among culture Solutions’ members on the topics of democracy, elections, and International Cultural Relations (ICR) in 2024, and examines how current political trends in the EU and the global geopolitical context are impacting culture and whether they can compromise its potential for promoting dialogue, understanding and democracy.

Questions EC featured

What next for EU International Cultural Relations: Questions for the Commissioners-designate for Culture, International Partnerships and Foreign Affairs

This post poses key questions to the three Commissioners-designate directly related to International Cultural Relations: Glenn Micallef, Jozef Síkela and Kaja Kallas, as well as to other EU services, with a view of recognising the central role of culture in the European Union’s external relations.


Rejuvenating EU-LAC cultural relations from the bottom-up

This second blog post uncovers the flourishing EU-LAC collaboration at the grass-roots level. Drawing from the key take-aways of the EU-LAC Forum, the analysis proposes a list of recommendations for strengthening bi-regional cultural relations in the areas of youth, inclusive and just transition.


EU-LAC cultural diplomacy: from natural partners to partners of choice, via Madrid

After the EU-CELAC Summit in July 2023, this blog post focuses on the political context and the cultural cooperation at the official level. It examines the New Agenda for EU-LAC relations and the role of Spain, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU.


Weapons and renewable energy for peace and climate: A European Culture Facility

A year into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this blog post argues that the EU and its Member States urgently need to adjust their external cultural action to recent geopolitical paradigm shifts. It is now time to create a European Culture Facility to live up to climate, security and cultural challenges and avoid risks of international audiences’ indifference.

EP resolution

Contribuer et compter : Les recommandations de culture Solutions reflétées dans la résolution parlementaire du 14 décembre 2022

Cet article examine la résolution du Parlement européen sur la mise en œuvre du nouvel agenda de la culture (2023-2026) et la stratégie de l’UE pour les relations culturelles internationales, et relie ses principales recommandations aux contributions passées de culture Solutions.

EP resolution

Making the difference: culture Solutions’ recommendations reflected in the 14 December 2022 European Parliament’s Resolution

This blog post looks at the European Parliament’s December 2022 Resolution on the implementation of the New Agenda for Culture (2023-2026) and the EU strategy for international cultural relations, and connects its main recommendations to culture Solutions’ past contributions.


Les nouveaux modèles européens de la culture: l’exemple de Tfanen – Tunisie créative

Another blog post derived from Damien Helly’s participation in the 2021/22 session of the Cycle des Hautes Etudes de la Culture (CHEC) of the French Ministry of Culture, this contribution looks back at the example of the EU-funded programme Tfanen-Tunisie créative as a source of inspiration to refresh French external cultural action through joined-up EU initiatives. 


Five take-aways for EU institutions and Mondiacult: Voices of Culture Global Dialogue on International Cultural Relations

Reflecting on the key themes in the report of the Voices of Culture dialogue on International Cultural Relations, this blog sets out possible next steps, emphasising the role of the EU in close partnership with CSOs and the cultural sector – even more important in the run-up to Mondiacult.

billion blog featured

1 billion for EU international cultural relations by 2027

Find here the speech given by Damien Helly at the European Parliament’s public hearing on EU international cultural relations. It summarises culture Solutions’ analyses on the implementation of the EU cultural relations policy framework and suggests a set of priorities for the Council Work Plan on Culture 2022-2025.

Digital frameworks featured

Cadre numérique européen: nouveaux caps culturels à l’international

This blog post in French is prepared by Damien Helly following his participation in the 2021/22 Cycle des Hautes Etudes de la Culture (CHEC) of the French Ministry of Culture. This piece looks back at the achievements of the 2022 French Presidency of the EU in the field of digital regulation, and at its implications for EU international cultural relations and foreign policy.

Mediterranean blog

Post-Ukraine Cultural Mediterranean: Still curious?

At the Naples Conference of the Ministers of Culture of the Mediterranean, speakers exchanged ideas on fostering innovation and sustainability, cross-border and regional cooperation, and long-standing partnerships in the Southern Partnership Region. Find out more in this blog post.


From ACP-EU Culture Webinar to Africa-Europe Week 2022: five pathways to follow

This blog post is the last on Africa-Europe Week and discusses the main trends in EU-AU cultural relations by positioning them along what we have observed to date with EU and Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) relations. What key topics persist? How have these advanced in the last months?


Building inclusive spaces for Africa-Europe cultural relations dialogue

The rise of new voices and calls for a reset of the Africa-Europe political agenda means that new spaces for inclusive cultural relations dialogue could and should emerge. Are you wondering how? Find out in the third blog post of the series.


Africa-Europe cultural relations programming: what’s the agenda

Continuing with the analysis and lessons learnt from the first-ever Africa-Europe Week, we now turn to the five main priorities of any future cultural programming agenda in this thought-provoking article by Nicole McNeilly, Gabrielle Bernoville, Valeria Mesía and Celia Zayas.

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Africa-Europe Week 2022: Three take-aways for the AU-EU cultural relations partnership

After attending the first-ever Africa-Europe Week, we reflect on the cultural aspects of the post-Covid relationship between the EU and its partners in this blog post.

Ukraine featured

Act fast: War in Ukraine and EU international cultural relations

In the wake of attacks against Ukraine, this crisis-response blog post by Damien Helly looks at the implications of the war in Ukraine for EU international cultural relations. It is sharing ideas on how best the EU and Europeans could take short and long term action to be in line with existing policy commitments and strategies.

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EU-China cultural diplomacy: room for improvement in troubled times?

Marking the closing of the Beijing Winter Olympics and looking forward to the EU-China summit, in this blog post Ina Kokinova compares the approaches of the global actors and gives suggestions for building mutually beneficial their cultural relations.

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5 Opportunities for European international cultural relations towards ACP countries, beyond the ACP-EU Culture Programme

Continuing with the takeaway from the 2021 ACP-EU Culture programme international webinar, we now look into the lessons learnt and the main topics that emerged from the discussions in this blog post.

Website blog featured ACP

EU action for culture in Africa Caribbean and Pacific: main trends

Upon the completion of the 2021 ACP-EU Culture programme international webinar, in this blog post our collaborators share the trends and opportunities they identified while facilitating the event.

Website blog featured FR

#FrenchPresidency – Balancing Paris Cultural Geopolitics and EU international cultural relations

Until June 2022 France will lead the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU. The external cultural agenda of #EU2022FR is a balancing act between its New Roadmap to influence and revisited EU international cultural relations. Read our analysis of the ins-and-outs of the French presidency’s cultural ambitions.

Private sector blog featured

The role of business in promoting culture

Are you a representative of a company concerned with its cultural sustainability? Read our blog post to find out how to boost your role in culture and gain visibility.

COP26 blog

Learning from COP26: A place for Culture in Climate Action

A month after the closing of COP26, this blog article revisits the discussions, explores the outcomes, and highlights the multiple contributions of culture to climate action.


#TeamEurope impact: Effective Digital Communities of Practice

After defining what a Community of Practice is, this blog post by our Training and know-how sharing team zooms into the methodology behind building digital European communities that have a global remit and inclusivity at the core.


#TeamEurope: A community of practice on culture for EU Delegations

DG INTPA’s Culture Seminars, delivered by culture Solutions, have highlighted the need for a Community of Practice. Read more about how to embed culture across EU’s external actions in this blog post.


Restoring livelihoods through culture in Yemen: lessons learnt

After successfully facilitating the virtual conference “Restoring Livelihoods Through Culture in Yemen”, in this article Nicole McNeilly and Bart Hesseling look into the key themes and future developments for the UNESCO-EU project.


New European Bauhaus: interculturally global

The New European Bauhaus is an environmental, economic and cultural project, aiming to combine design, sustainability, accessibility, affordability and investment. Gabrielle Bernoville and Damien Helly share some tips with EU decision-makers to reflect through the project’s design phase in this article.


European Spaces of Culture: A blueprint for a Cultural Team Europe

In this blog entry, Gabrielle Bernoville explores the potential of the EUNIC-led project “European Spaces of Culture” for EU International Cultural Relations. Taking stock of the second EUNIC call for ideas, it focuses on the six selected pilot spaces and sketches ways to scale up these models into a Cultural Team Europe approach.

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Team Europe’s future heritage? Protecting shared memories in conflict

In November 2020, culture Solutions facilitated the EEAS conference on “The role of the European Union on the Protection and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage in conflict and crisis”. This blog summarises the main take-aways and recommends the launch of specific European communities of practice.


EU External Cultural Action: decolonising the praxis?

In this blog post Celia Zayas and Alexandra Gil question the link between colonialism and the EU integration process, as well as how EU external cultural action can be the perfect tool for mutual learning, collaboration and co-creation in a decolonizing process.


Team Europe Worldwide: 10 Tips for Regional & Global Cultural Programming (II)

Following our 5 tips on country-based programming, we now offer you a list of 10 priorities for regional and global cultural programming. Check out the blog by Damien Helly.

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Team Europe Worldwide & Programming – 5 Tips to Blow the EU Cultural Breeze (I)

After the adoption of the new multiannual budget, EU Delegations are busy with the programming of external action and international cooperation funds for the next seven years. For tips on country-based cultural programming see the blog by Damien Helly.

Evora Uni

Erasmus+ and EU international cultural relations

The international dimension of the EU’s Higher Education Erasmus+ programme contributes to EU international cultural relations. While the next EU budget (2021-2027) is being negotiated this post looks at Erasmus+’ impact and its role in the EU’s public and cultural diplomacy efforts. See the blog by Constance Bobotsi.


Culture for the Future for the Global South

culture Solutions took part in Culture4Future 2019, an international colloquium organised by the European Commission that aimed at promoting culture, creativity, innovation and dialogue as key drivers for inclusive development and peace. See the blog by Sandra Coumans.