As part of our work on intercultural coexistence, culture Solutions explores memory policies and the legacies of colonialism in contemporary EU international relations.
Colonial memories
1-3 December 2020
Colo(m)ialismes conference
Organised by the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM), the seminar explored the various facets of colonial memories in Europe. Alexandra Gil Taboas and Celia Zayas made a presentation on the ambiguous presence of colonial memories in EU international cultural relations. Watch the videos and read the blog post by Alexandra Gil Taboas and Celia Zayas.
16 September 2020
ECHOES Webinar Perspectives from the Inside Out
On 16 September 2020, Damien Helly engaged in a conversation with the ECHOES project on colonial heritage, Walter Zampieri (EACEA) and Andrew Murray (VUB) on the state of play in EU international cultural relations, and the various ways they deal (or not) with colonial legacies and memories.