culture Solutions 2023 events and more

On 9 November, we co-organised a roundtable on “What roles for culture in awareness, engagement and climate transition?” with Talk C.E.C and Smarter Together, with the support of EU4Ocean Coalition.
On 12 October, Ina Kokinova presented the results of the research carried out through the podcast mini-series “Composing trustworthiness” at the ENCATC Congress 2023 under the title “EU external cultural policy in the age of AI: challenges and opportunities for the cultural sector”. See presentation and paper.
Between 18 and 20 September, Alexandra Gil Taboas represented culture Solutions at the Siena Cultural Relations Forum 2023, organised by the University of Siena CREDO Centre and the Cultural Relations Platform at Certosa di Pontignano. The Siena Paper is now available.
On 15 September, Damien Helly, co-founder of culture Solutions, took part in the Meeting of the Friends of the Protection of Cultural Heritage Network, at the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the European Union.
On 27 June, culture Solutions held a select roundtable in collaboration with MEP Mrs Salima Yenbou, on the theme of “Policy directions in EU international cultural relations, towards 2024”, that gathered more than 50 key policy-makers, networks’ representatives and professionals from the cultural field. Check out the event report, agenda and photos.
On 27 June, our podcast episode Composing trustworthiness #3: Artificial Intelligence in International Cultural Relations
was featured in the newsletter IR Career Starters – July 2023, which highlights opportunities for young professionals in International Relations and at the time had more than 15 000 subscribers on LinkedIn.
On 26 June, ASEF Culture published Recalibrating the Compass: New Approaches to Asia-Europe Cultural Relations, acknowledging the contribution of Damien Helly to the cycle of roundtables held throughout 2022, and summarising their insights, ideas and recommendations.
On 30 May, our co-founder Felipe Basabe took part in the roundtable “Impact and Culture” orgainsed by the Club Alumni de Impacto Social of the Comillas University. The event explored the different experiences of the public, private and third sectors in measuring and funding social impact in the cultural sphere.
On 17 May, our junior position for a Web editor with French was added to the Culture Agora freely-accessible platform serving multiple purposes in the field of arts, culture and creative industries.
On 10 May, our collaborator Ina Kokinova spoke about cultural heritage and international relations in the podcast entitled “El Emisario del Patrimonio” published by the Asociación de Jóvenes Profesionales por el Patrimonio Cultural (AJPC). Listen on different podcast platforms or YouTube.
On 20 February, our Business Development and Fundraising intern position was included in the monthly Europa Nostra Young Members Update.
On 4 January, culture Solutions was featured in the newsletter curious patterns, prepared by Kai Brennert on the topic of culture and development, with its article on EU-Africa cultural programming agenda. The author highlighted the recommendation for the EU to “abolish its deficit lens when talking development”.
Interested in inviting culture Solutions members as experts or moderators at your event? Contact us now.