culture Solutions looks back at the 2022 events

On 3 November, our co-founder and chair Damien Helly took part in the series “Recalibrating the Compass: What Future for Asia-Europe Cultural Relations?” of ASEF Culture (Asia-Europe Foundation). The Roundtable #5 was entitled Rethinking Cultural Diplomacy in Times of Global Crisis. The key highlights are presented here and the full report can be accessed here.
On 12 October, culture Solutions and EUISS (European Institute for Security Studies) held a joint round table on the topic of Cultural Heritage Protection in conflict and crises. The event was organised in Brussels at the request of the EUISS and the Group of Friends on cultural heritage protection in crisis situations. cS Brief #12 builds on the debate, and provides some updates on EU cultural heritage protection in crises and conflict situations, in light of the recent developments in Ukraine and other countries.
On 13 July, chair Damien Helly was invited to European Parliament CULT Committee’s public hearing on the Implementation of the New Agenda for Culture and the EU strategy for international cultural relations. You can find the written version of his presentation in this blog post. The recording of the session is available here. Following the adoption of the Parliament resolution on 14 December, in this article we summarise the contributions of culture Solutions.
On 21 June, Damien Helly also participated in the CULT Committee’s meeting with stakeholders for the preparation of the Report on the Implementation of the New Agenda for Culture and the EU strategy for international cultural relations.
On 16 June, Damien Helly spoke at the Naples Conference of the Ministers of Culture of the Mediterranean. In their panel, speakers exchanged ideas on the best ways to foster innovation and sustainability, increase cross-border and regional cooperation, and ensure long-standing partnerships to consolidate socio-economic Resilience of the Cultural and Creative sectors in the Southern Partnership Region. Access the blog post on Post-Ukraine Cultural Mediterranean, and the recording here.
On 19 March, the Arts Council Malta aired the fifth ACMHangouts session, in which our chair Damien Helly participated. Under the topic of Art in times of conflict were discussed the function and responsibilities which are deliberately assigned (or not) to the culture industries and artists, as well as the role of solid International Cultural Relations in preventing and addressing conflict. Recording can be accessed here.
On 9 March, Ina Kokinova presented her research on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on International Cultural Relations at the webinar “Diplomacy: Why AI could change the game?, held by Comité Diplomatique. Our Research Assistant shared the screen with Naully Nicolas, digital consultant, and both emphasised the distinction between AI as a topic, AI as a tool, and AI as a factor that changes the international environment.
The first-ever Africa-Europe Week and the 6th Europe Africa Business Forum (EABF) were held between 14 to 17 February 2022. The culture Solutions Training and Know-how sharing team was invited to contribute to an assessment of the 26 different culture-related events in the Week and EABF agenda, including lectures, showcases as well as presentations of artistic projects. Their findings are presented in the series of four blog posts: first, second, third and fourth.
Interested in inviting culture Solutions members as experts or moderators at your event? Contact us now.
See also our annual reports.