cS Proposal #1: How can EU cultural actors contribute to Creative Climate Action?
How can EU cultural actors contribute to Creative Climate Action? That important question was the topic of an open call launched by the network of EU National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) in November 2023.
culture Solutions developed a proposal in answer to that call. Although it was not selected, we believe our approach can be a valuable contribution to EU international cultural relations and can benefit EU cultural actors, their partners and wider audiences in their efforts to engage and bridge culture and climate action. This proposal describes:
- A Research Framework exploring reciprocities and connections between climate and key areas of the work on culture (i.e. cultural heritage, orange economy, cultural policy or cultural cooperation), and identifying key entry points from the cultural sector to drive climate action.
- A Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning approach on creative climate action to guide cultural actors in their transformation.
- A Training Approach to equip cultural actors with conceptual and operational knowledge on the culture-climate nexus and to raise awareness on their ability to foster climate action through culture.
- An Advocacy Strategy to amplify and coordinate efforts of EU cultural actors, by identifying opportunities of advocacy moments and partnerships with actors of the global creative climate movement.
culture Solutions is still ready to collaborate with EUNIC and its members and with other partners on Creative Climate Action. We will also be happy to present this work in relevant events.